

It’s been a long time since I wrote.

In fact, it’s been a long time since I’ve done anything online. Which is not healthy for my platform.

It’s been a busy month with work projects, realizing I need to restructure my business, and family. All things I love, but put together, takes away the drive from sitting at my computer another 30 minutes trying to build social engagement. It doesn’t help I always feel I have nothing to say.

But, I’m excited to share an event going on over at Hugo House: Write-O-Rama! Have you heard of it? It’s half a day packed with intense writing classes. I love to grow my craft and it’s been a long time since I’ve been so excited about a class. Or classes in this case. Here’s the link – there’s still room! http://hugohouse.org/classes/write-o-rama/

I’m a huge advocate of constantly investing in yourself and your craft. This is an excellent and affordable way to do that. Did I mention the fee for the day is only $60 and includes Hugo House membership?!

My classes are already planned out by the hour and I’m thinking about typing them up for myself so I don’t forget! Yes, I’m that OCD. But also that excited.

Looks good, sounds fun, and I hope to see you there!